Friday, September 19, 2008

Review: The Sasquatch Triangle 9-18-08

This was a GREAT show, with guest Brian Gosselin, former police officer for the town of Whitehall, New York, who discussed in great detail his August 25th, 1976 sighting, as well as his association with longtime researcher Bill Brann, and a bit delving into the Georgia Hoax Situation, but also about the possibilities he ran through in his mind as to what he saw. He made a most interesting comment during the show-he said that is not saying unequivocally that he saw a Bigfoot or Sasquatch, but that what he saw was not a bear, a person in a gorilla suit or a person period. I found that comment very refreshing and enlightening. I called in and asked Brian a few questions which he answered terrifically, and bluetracker called in and claimed a prize of a free year of Don's e-Newsletter for answering correctly the date on which Brian had his sighting. Terry and Treba Jahn were on the line listening to the show as well. Next week, Don welcomes back an old friend of the Sasquatch Triangle, Mr. John Horrigan, to discuss the upcoming Mass UFO/Monster Mash, beginning at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central at The Sasquatch Triangle, Now On And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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