Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Review: Monsterquest 9-24-08

This episode went into attacks by giant bears, supposedly extinct for many millions of years, known as the short-faced bear. Dr. Blaine Schubert, one of the main experts on these ursus species, is interviewed on his expertise on the giant bears. Alaska is one of the main centers of study and research on these bears. Matt Bille, Cryptozoology author, is also interviewed, as is Jim Oltersdorf, a wildlife photographer who is open to the possibility of the giant bears. A Wildlife Biologist, Jim Hechtel, is skeptical of the existence of these giant ursine creatures. There was a giant bear known as MacFarlane's Bear shot in 1864 and thought to be a giant. This skin and skull is in the Smithsonian now, and was examined in 1918 by a scientist and thought to be quite unusual. In 2001, a hunter and his companion noticed a large bear track and a large bear near Anchorage, Alaska. The hunter shot and killed the massive bear, with a 12-inch wide paw and stood 11 feet tall and weighed well over 1,000 pounds. Dr. Schubert is being allowed to examine the remains of MacFarlane's Bear. They are also travelling to New Jersey to investigate a videotape of black bears invading people's yards. An expedition into the wilds of Alaska is also undertaken. The town of Lake Wanda, New Jersey, is being terrorized by bears invading. Oltersdorf is leading the Alaskan expedition across Skillak Lake. The two expeditions do find some interesting things, but not really enough to...well, I will let you figure it out for yourself.

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