Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Review: Bigfoot Quest 9-30-08

This was a GREAT show, a continuation of the discussion of the East Coast Bigfoot Conference, with unscheduled guests Bruce (Creature Seeker) and Kelly Beverly (Squatch Biatch_13), as well as Billy Willard, discussing some activity that occurred after the Conference, such as woodknocking. Kelly, Billy and Bruce were part of a group researching in the woods, along with others. I called in to talk to Bob and Mike about their experiences at the Conference, and also to ask Bob and Mike and Bruce about their impressions of Bill Dranginis' Eye Gotcha Cam system, and they were deeply impressed with the working model, which of course more can be added to, such as audio equipment, zoom lens, infrared, thermal imagers and other bits of equipment. Dunno what Bob and Mike have planned for next week, but it begins at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central at Bigfoot Quest And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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