Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In British Columbia, a woman hears something rattling the door handle. She opens the door and the dogs run out. When she looks at the side of the house, she sees a creature on two legs. “It was huge and it had long hair, not fur — kind of like the kind you see on an ox and a reddish brown, the colour of the trees that are killed by the pine beetle,” said the woman. Elsewhere, Georgians are asked their beliefs about Bigfoot,in the wake of the recent hoax: You’ve actually seen Bigfoot?

A shocker. In light of the recent Georgia Bigfoot Hoax, Loren Coleman reverses his decades long support of the reality of the "Minnesota Iceman." It's time, he says, for cryptozoology and hominology to let go of this pipe dream. Also, Werewolves, Scarefest & Monster Mash and Mermaid Queen Has Died.

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