Monday, August 11, 2008

Review: Squatch Detective Radio 8-11-08

This was a terrific show, Part 2 with John Cartwright, who talked about his encounter, as well as his feelings on the Sasquatch Mystery. Several folks called in, such as myself, Bill Green, YVE, Darin Richardson and others. YVE was the highlight of the last half-hour, telling her encounter straight on and without pause and no trepidation. Dunno what is on the agenda for next week, but YVE might be filling in for an out-of-town Steve Kulls, beginning at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central at Squatch Detective Radio, Monday nights at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central

You can download past episodes there, as well as subsrcibe via iTunes. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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