Sunday, August 10, 2008

3 Reviews: HBM's Crypto-Corner/The Bigfoot Mystery/Sasquatch Experience 8-10-08

HBM's Crypto-Corner was great, with Bill and myself discussing different Bigfoot and Cryptozoological books, such as Ivan Sanderson's, Bernard Heuvelmans', Roger Patterson's, John Green's and Peter Byrne's, as well as Rene Dahinden's. Bill and I gave our recommendations on our favorite books, and I also pointed out that Hancock House and Pine Winds Press are the two main Cryptozoological book publishers at the moment. Both of those can be found at Hancock House Publishers
and Pine Winds Press, publisher of several Bigfoot books, including Soul Snatchers: A Quest For True Human Beings

On August 24th, we will have a two-hour show about the Georgia Bigfoot Body Situation, time TBA, but it may be 4:00 EST/3:00 Central at HBM's Crypto-Corner, Sunday afternoons at 5:00 EST/4:00 Central


On The Bigfoot Mystery, Darin and I interviewed Jim King, Pat Rance and Coonbo about their experiences in the field, such as experiences where Jim flushed a sleeping 'Squatch out while out on a jaunt. Pat also discussed some of his field research, as did Coonbo who discussed some vocalizations they have heard in the field, even when doing something as mundane as cutting grass. Bill Green called in and asked some good questions, as did Richie, who discussed yesterday's Bigfoot Discovery Day II Event and meeting Bob Gimlin there. Luke Gross also called in and discussed some things he has encountered in the field. Next week, we might have Jim, Pat and Coonbo back on, starting at 7:00 EST/6:00 Central at The Bigfoot Mystery, Sunday evenings at 7:00 EST/6:00 Central


Finally, on The Sasquatch Experience, Sean, James and John Cartwright discussed Bigfoot evidence, such as footprints (which was discussed after I called in), as well as the Skookum Cast, eyewitness testimony and the Native American Legends. We also got off on a bit of a tangent on the Georgia body situation near the end of the show. Bill Green called in and asked Sean about his investigation into the White Pennsylvania Bigfoot. Next week, Sean, Melissa and James will possibly host Stan Courtney beginning at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central at The Sasquatch Experience, Sunday Nights at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central

You can download past episodes of each show, as well as subscribe via iTunes. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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