Sunday, July 20, 2008

Review: The Bigfoot Mystery 7-20-08

This was a pretty terrific show, with Marc Footery returning to share more stories of sightings and activity he has experienced, especially in his younger years. He discussed about hearing sounds similar to donkeys and crows and also other mimicry going on with the Forest Giants, as well as sightings he has had in his area. Jim (Dixie Banshee) called in and asked Marc some questions, as well as Thomas and one other individual. Next week, Pat Rance and Jim Grant will be the guests, beginning at 7:00 EST/6:00 Central at The Bigfoot Mystery, Sunday evenings at 7:00 EST/6:00 Central

You can also download past episodes there, as well as subscribe via iTunes. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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