This was a pretty terrific show, the 100th episode, with guests such as Ed Farrell, an author from Alaska who wrote a new book called Strange Stories of Alaska and the Yukon, who talked about his new book; Mike Riter, an individual who discussed some activity in the Catskills; Bob Kaehler, a Fish and Game Guide who discussed a theory about how to capture the Forest Giants, Roy Sandefeur, who told a most extraordinary story about an encounter with a Forest Giant which made a good deal of racket in the woods, as well as frightened him; the SFBI team, who called in to report some very interesting activity they had in different states, including East Tennessee and Alabama and finally, Janice Carter and myself, to discuss my experiences in East Tennessee and also in Ohio. Dunno what is planned for next week, but it should be most interesting, beginning at 10:00 EST/9:00 Central at http___www.gstreaming.com_bigfootlive.html
You can download past episodes there, as well as subscribe through Blog Talk Radio via iTunes. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.
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