Thursday, July 31, 2008

An occurrence on a beach at Montauk on Long Island led to such news articles as What on Earth Washed Up in Montauk? and The Montauk Monster: Legend or Latex?, but the explanation posted here by Mori seems to us to be the best answer. Nonetheless, if you are of a mind to discount Mori's learned evaluation, feel free to check out 'Alien' Creature Creates Monster Stir and Mystery Animal Washes Up on Beach. Meanwhile, an energy drink company is offering a Bounty For Montauk Monster, as explained at Cryptomundo.

Tracing some of the cryptid lore from New Hampshire, columnist Matt Kanner calls on cryptozoologists Loren Coleman and Joe Nickell, juxtaposing the two authors and pointing out their differences in the field of cryptozoology. This coming Sunday kicks off Champ Week in Burlington, VT, to celebrate the second most famous lake monster in the world. Cryptomundo has a bit more, with video, in Coleman vs Nickell: Round Two for Champ Week.

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