Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Book Review Redux: John Green's Books

Book Review of Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us
Author: John Green

I bought this book back in late-January 2004 from an ebay auction and read it voraciously. It is THE bible of all books on the subject. The book boasts information on sightings from all over the United States and western Canada, with several onsite interviews with witnesses conducted by Green himself. Topics covered range from the Patterson/Gimlin film, to classic Sasquatch stories, to creatures around the world, to Indian legends, to mysteries set in stone, to various other aspects of the Sasquatch mystery. At 492 pages, this book is a marathon read, but highly recommended to all who are interested. The book has been reprinted by its original publisher, Hancock House, two years ago, but the original can be purchased at www.abebooks.com for a reasonable price.

Book Review of "The Best of Sasquatch-Bigfoot
Author and editor: John Green

I received this book yesterday (September 14th, 2004) . I have read the books that are compiled in this collection before ("On The Track Of The Sasquatch" and "Encounters With Bigfoot", also known as "Year Of The Sasquatch"), but there is new material in the first four chapters of the book. The first chapter, "The Ape and The IM Index", examines the various ways that people have tried to debunk the Patterson/Gimlin film (without success, of course), as well as the Intermembral Index which determines how long the arms are in proportion to the legs. In humans, it's 70, while in the P/G film creature, it's in the high-80's, which makes it impossible to be a human in a costume. The second chapter, "Recent Developments", discusses some of the prominent scientists who have come forward in defense of the Sasquatch, such as the late Dr. Grover Krantz, the late Dr. Leroy Fish, Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. Russell Mittermier and several other luminaries. The Skookum Cast is also examined, as are the dermal ridge footprints examined by Jimmy Chilcutt.Chapter 3 focuses on the media attention which surrounded the death of Ray Wallace in late-2002, and the chapter is appropriately called, "Bigfoot Did Not Die". The final chapter is called "100,000 Reward", which is a real reward given to anyone who can successfully duplicate the tracks found in and around Bluff Creek, California. The first four chapters are an excellent setup for the rest of the book, which is wonderfully written and researched. Get this book if you can. The book can be purchased for $15.95 from www.hancockhouse.com

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