Monday, June 16, 2008

Rex Gilroy, an Australian extinct animal researcher, is calling on the readership of a New Zealand newspaper to help him locate the living moa, a supposedly extinct giant flightless bird, he thinks is roaming New Zealand's Rimataka Range. With photo. Elsewhere in the search for mysterious creatures, those giant "footprints" found near an orchard in Borneo have prompted the report 'Bigfoot' is Someone's Idea of a Joke. Meanwhile, there's no joking in the lates US Bigfoot controversy, which has led to a New Bigfoot Theory Statement and Filmmaker: My Last Bigfoot Massacre Statement. The "Bigfoot Massacre" controversy isn't the only coverage of huge hairy hominoids in North America today, though, as Loren Coleman proves in his Cryptomundo post Myakka, Masks, and Apemania. With photo. On the other hand - or should we say "arm" - there could be proof "Hobbits" Might Have Descended from First Tiny Humans to Leave Africa.

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