Friday, June 06, 2008

Recent reports that human footprints in Mexico have been dated to 40,000 years ago elicits a response from the Blogsquatcher indicating Sasquatch/Bigfoot investigators have better footprint evidence of the hairy hominoid's existence than the photos of the Mexico footprints show. And what if the footprints aren't those of a modern human, but were left by, say, a juvenile Sasquatch? Meanwhile, those same footprints evoke a different response at Cabinet of Wonders in a post entitled Early Man Down Mexico Way.

Is there a vast Swedish-British conspiracy behind the newly released lake monster film footage? With Images. While the Selma footage is creating some interest in the Swedish cryptid, the renowned Centre for Fortean Zoology (CFZ) has released it's latest video report of its intrepid activities, past, present and future. Nick Redfern at There's Something in the Woods links you up with the video of On the Track: The New Episode and explains another CFZ project in Mystery Animals of the British Isles - The Series Begins.

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