Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tom Biscardi is taking a team from Searching for Bigfoot, Inc, to Catskill, NY, following up on several reports that Bigfoot-type creatures, large and small, have been repeatedly sighted recently on some rural property. Key quote: "The details of these sightings...and sightings (to be) investigated in early July in North Carolina, were so specific and detailed, that we will be bringing some very sophisticated capture gear with us." Will Biscardi's team capture a Bigfoot? Elsewhere, an elusive bird, not Bigfoot, sparks the ventures of scientists in the Big Woods of eastern Arkansas as the Search Goes on for Elusive Woodpecker, while in Leicestershire, England, they're asking Is This a Panther Paw Print? Meanwhile, Loren Coleman at Cryptomundo thinks one of the world's rarest carnivores, an animal with mysterious links to the civets, genets and cats, deserves our attention for a moment, as he explains, with links and images, in Longing for Linsangs.

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