Friday, May 30, 2008

Review: Beyond The Edge Radio 5-30-08

This was a pretty great show, with guest John Ventre of Pennsylvania MUFON, who discussed his new fiction book 12-21-2012: A Prophecy which describes the possible end of the world on that date, a date which seems to concern quite a few folks. I asked a question via Yahoo Messenger about the cryptic date, and was told that there might be a catastrophic event that occurs that day, but nothing specific. He also discussed UFOs and famous UFO cases such as the Kecksburg Pennsylvania incident of 1965. He took calls from Bill Green, Thomas Hughes and two unknown callers about Bigfoot, UFOs and aliens. Next week, Sean and Eric will have Dogman/Beast of Bray Road investigator and author Linda Godfrey as their guest beginning at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central at

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