Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Review: Bigfoot Central 2-5-08

This was a great show, with fortunately a minimum of talk of the old chestnut the P/G Movie with guest Jay Michael. who discussed his theories into what he thinks we have in the South as far as Swamp Ape Creatures. He also discussed Cryptovideography.com and his productions, such as his DVD's and his webisodes titled Conundrums, as well as footprints and the differences between them as far as five, four and three-toed tracks. I missed about five minutes of the show due to having to reboot, though. Don Monroe also discussed some of the caves he has explored as well as tracks and hand casts he has found and casted. It was a great show, and I enjoyed it. Don't know what is up for next week, but it should be a good one, beginning at 8:00 EST/7:00 Central at http://www.artistfirst.com Archives of the show can be found at http://www.artistfirst.com/bigfoot2008.html As always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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