Thursday, January 17, 2008

Review: Let's Talk Bigfoot 1-9-08

This was a great show, with guest William Dranginis, who discussed some of the methods he uses in his search, such as using technology such as forensics and cameras hidden in the forest. Bill was lost for a bit, but managed to make it back. Teresa Hall also joined in on the conversation, taking a break from beating those wolves (J/K, T!!!). Bill says his most valuable tool in the field is thermal imaging, which he has not had any success with so far, but he is undaunted. A highly detailed hair report sent to Kathy Strain is also discussed, as is Bill's 1995 sighting with two FBI agents. The sighting took place during a metal-detecting exercise. Bill also told of reports in the area and in the state. Hair samples were collected as a result of one report and were sent to the Washington Museum of Natural History, and the hair was found as closely matching human hair. The mineral content was also higher than humans. Blood and fleas were also found in the hairs, but have not been tested for fear of cross-contamination. It was a great show, full of great information.

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