Monday, January 28, 2008

Editorial: Coming to the defense of Bob Gimlin

There has been quite a bit written and said about the Patterson/Gimlin Movie, more especially in recent years about Mr. Bob Gimlin, which has angered quite a few people, because some skeptically-minded individuals have made claims about Mr. Gimlin which have yet to be substantiated, calling him a liar and a hoaxer, without absolute proof to back it up other than the word of Bob Heironimus and supposedly 100 residents of Yakima, Washington. Heironimus, of course, has pretty well made quite a few contradictory statements regarding the origin of the alleged suit, as well as the location of the film site and other aspects of the mystery. I am coming to the defense of Bob Gimlin, even though it seems over the past few months I sometimes take the devil's advocate position a little too strongly sometimes. I believe the film shows a real creature, but even if it doesn't, it does not mean that Gimlin was in on it. He could have been duped, and that is not a slam on his character. We have all been duped by someone or something in this field of inquiry, so if Gimlin was duped, he is good company. I personally do not think he was duped-I believe by 90% the film is real and shows a real Sasquatch. Gimlin is a personal hero, and I believe he is telling the truth, despite what a few skeptically-minded individuals might say about him. Why should he have to take a polygraph test if they are so unreliable and are not an absolute gauge of truth or deception? I feel that Gimlin, except for speaking at a few events, just wants to be left alone and not bothered so much about all the drama surrounding this film. He knows in his heart he is telling the truth, and has a good bit of backup in that regard, including myself, so far as I am concerned, Gimlin is telling the truth, and that is all there is to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me tell everyone something, anyone who says that the Patterson/Gimlin film is a hoax is a idiot and whoever say they were in a suit is a liar and I will tell them to their face and I don't care what kind of title they have or how much education.