Thursday, January 31, 2008

Anomalous Stories

'I'm Looking Through You' Los Angeles Times
From the book review: "When the author was 13, the family moved to a big old house in Pennsylvania, fondly referred to in the following years as the Coffin house, after previous owners. From the sound of it, you'd have to be dead yourself not to pick up on the past lives in this house, particularly a little girl who drowned, but also an older woman. Both appeared regularly to Boylan, in the form of identifiable (if gauzy) humans, blue mist or skin-tingling fields of energy."

What caused this feature on Mercury, which is said to be unilike anything seen elsewhere in the solar system? Scientists are puzzled by what appears to be an impact crater surround by more than 50 cracks in the surface radiating from its center.

Ghosts’ Eject Families Daily Nation
Not ghosts, but poltergeists. Seven families in a Kenyan village have been sleeping in the cold for the past four weeks after allegedly being ejected from their houses by a poltergeist that has pelted the roofs of their homes with stones, caused havoc to the their property through mysterious fires, and smeared their faces with soil as they slept.

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