Sunday, December 16, 2007

Review: Sasquatch Experience 12-16-07

This was a wonderful and informal show, with guest co-host Eric Altman, along with Sean and myself, giving a general review of Bigfooting in the year 2007, such as the Jacobs Photos, the P/G Movie 4oth Anniversary, the recent Yeti track find, the DNA examined on Monsterquest, the sudden popularity of that show and other various topics. We also discussed Eric's recent jaunt with Tom Biscardi in the wilds of Pennsylvania, as well as some of the problems with the BFRO. It was a great show, and we enjoyed it. Our next program will be a special Sasquatch Experience Flashback next Sunday, going back to October 7th and our interview with the legendary John Green. That starts at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central and can be found at the link to the right. The chat will be open during that show for those who want to come in and discuss Bigfoot. As always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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