Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Review: Let's Talk Bigfoot 12-26-07

This was a wonderful interview with Michael Rugg, curator of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum and founder of the Bigfoot Discovery Project. He recounts his sighting encounter at age 5 when he saw something which seemed to be wearing an ill-fitting shirt, a large hairy man. He also recounts that 150 people have told him of their encounters. Melissa asks him about his assessment of whether the Bigfoot is human or ape, and he tells her his opinion changes on that from week to week. Mike was also asked if he gets out in the field, and he responded he does, and also mentioned about his mother moving in with him and passing away, after she had moved in with him and he became her caretaker. He is asked about the inception of the Bigfoot Discovery Project, which kind of came along with the advent of the Internet. Mike had decided since it had been 50 years and no one had discovered Bigfoot yet, he decided to try his hand at it a few years ago. Mike also wants to expand his website and the museum he is the curator of. He mentions his extensive exhibit on the Patterson/Gimlin Movie as well and his contact with Bob Gimlin, and also an artistic representation he is doing of the "Moment of Discovery" referring to the film. A caller, Ralph, calls in and mentions he had heard a report of tracks 6 feet apart in stride which he went to personally investigate. There were also big cat tracks in that area. Mike had investigated the same area a year or so before and there were dead chickens and other livestock found in the area, ripped apart, and the chicken's feathers were also plucked. The area in question is in a quarry as well. Another caller comes in, and it is Tom Yamarone, who calls in to tell of some of the stories he has investigated, some with Mike, in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It was a truly wonderful and informative show, and very well-done by Melissa. Mel is taking next week off, but she will return January 9th with her guest William Dranginis, starting at 10:00 EST/9:00 Central at the link to the right. As always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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