Thursday, December 20, 2007

Review: Let's Talk Bigfoot 12-19-07

This was a wonderful show, with author Lee Murphy, who has written several crypto-fiction novels, including a new one about the Honey Island Swamp Monster called Heretofore Unknown which features some real-life members of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy, such as Daryl Colyer, Monica Rawlins and Craig Woolheater, who apparently meets a grisly end in the book. Lee is asked about his inspirations, and he discusses that he was inspired by things like dinosaur and the Loch Ness Monster, seeing The Legend of Boggy Creek and more into Bigfoot and Nessie. Lee is also asked about his interest in writing a non-fiction Bigfoot book, but he says he is not inclined to write something like that. Murphy speaks on how with his first novel Where Legends Roam he is criticized for his lack of bringing the people to life but is able to give the animals more personality. He is asked about his favorite crypto book, and he gives several examples, mostly from crypto-fiction. His three books are as follows: Where Legends Roam, about the Sasquatch; Naitaka, about Ogopogo and Heretofore Unknown, about the Honey Island Swamp Monster, and his hero in those books is named George Kodiak. It was a great show, full of great info. Melissa returns next week with guest Michael Rugg, curator of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, California, next Wednesday at 10:00 EST/9:00 Central at the link to the right. As always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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