Sunday, October 21, 2007

Editorial: How does Sasquatch Defend Itself?

All animals have ways to defend themselves, whether it is scent glands, claws, sharp teeth or even the ability to play dead. These traits are mostly seen in smaller animals with natural predators. The question I am posing in this editorial is: how does Sasquatch defend itself? Well, there are those who think that since it is at the top of the food chain, it would not need to defend itself because it would be the dominant force in the forest, and would not have any natural predators. But, these creatures actually DO have at least one natural predator, and we see it every day when we look in the mirror-Man. We have big guns and rifles which are perfectly capable of killing large animals such as deer, bear, coyote, wolf and elk. Our guns may also be able to kill a Sasquatch which comes into our rifle sights. So how do these creatures defend themselves? Well, for one thing, they are largely nocturnal, and they use the cover of darkness to move around out of sight of human eyes. However, for those times when they are seen, they have one of three options-they can either run very fast, hide behind a grove of trees or bushes to where humans cannot see them, and possibly letting go a scent which can overpower their attackers. Some speculate they also use infrasound to disorient and confuse humans, but this has never been conclusively proven. Still, people have been known to feel that disorienting and nauseating sensation in Sasquatch territory, so it is possible that these creatures do use infrasound. Of course, if they really wanted to, these creatures could just tear a person to shreds with their bare hands, but they choose not to do that, showing great restraint, even when faced with a rifle-toting hunter. So I think this editorial answers the basic question of how these creatures defend themselves, but of course more will be known when a body is brought in.

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