Thursday, September 13, 2007

Review: Let's Talk Bigfoot 9-12-07

This was a wonderful show, with guest Craig Woolheater, co-founder/chairman of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy, who discussed the upcoming Texas Bigfoot Conference. He also discussed he and his wife's sighting in Louisiana in 1994, as well as some of the events at the conference and also some upcoming boot-camps of their own to help researchers. Callers included Craig Mitchell (known as Pywacket on the various forums) and another gentleman whose name escapes me at the moment. Craig also fielded questions from the Searching For Bigfoot forum and the Let's Talk Bigfoot Chatroom. It was a great show, and full of great information. Teresa will be joined next week by a special co-host Sam Rich because Melissa will be in the field, and their guest will be Scott Schubbe. That program starts at 10:00 EST/9:00 Central and can be found at
  • Let's Talk Bigfoot
  • As always, we do encourage you to tune in and support great research.

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