Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Chronological History of Important Bigfoot Events

1882 - A strange creature is found above Yale in British Columbia. He is nicknamed "Jacko". He appears to resemble a young bigfoot. Soon after, he dissappears.

1924 - Albert Ostman, while camping in British Columbia, is taken in the night by a large bigfoot and brought to its lair where there are three others. He spends six days with the creatures, and finally makes his escape. He doesn't tell the story for thirty years for fear of ridicule. A lie detector test indicates he is telling the truth.

1924 - Fred Beck and four others are attacked by bigfoot like creatures . The creatures throw rocks onto the cabin, the onslaught lasts for hours. The area is known now as Ape Canyon.

1958 - Jerry Crew finds 16 inch footprints around roadbuilding equipment near Bluff Creek, CA.. The story makes the headlines and the term "Bigfoot" is born.

1967 - Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin, while searching for tracks near Bluff Creek California, stumble upon a female Bigfoot creature. Patterson manages to capture the fleeing bigfoot on film. The result is the Patterson film. The authenticity of the film has never been disproven. It remains one of the most solid pieces of evidence of Bigfoot's existence.

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