Thursday, August 23, 2007

Review: The Sasquatch Triangle 8-23-07

Don's guest was Diane Stocking, who discussed things such as Florida research, her views of David Shealy, Vince Doerr, the Florida "Skunk Ape," the whole phenomenon of Sasquatch and other topics. Ron Schaffner called in and spent the majority of the last 40 minutes on the air with us. We took some questions from our chatroom, and I also asked Diane if she knew anything about the "Bardin Booger." It was a great show, full of great information. Don's next guest will be Skip Frombach, who was made famous on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries more than 10 years ago. The show starts at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central at the link to the right. As always, please tune in and support great research.

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