Sunday, August 05, 2007

Review: The Sasquatch Experience 8-5-07

This was a fun and wonderful show, with California Investigators John and Montra Freitas who discussed their investigations, as well as their recent Operation Odyssey II Event. John also discussed his ability as the "Human Lie Detector," the fallibility of Polygraphs and also an interesting and little-known tidbit of information-Bob Gimlin took a polygraph years ago and passed it. I asked him about how Polygraphs would apply to someone like Bob Heironimus, and he answered the questions terrifically. I also asked about the Sonoma Video and investigation he did into that. The show went about an hour and 17 minutes and was just great. Thank you, John and Montra. Our next program will hopefully have the legendary Peter Byrne as the guest, next Sunday at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central at the link to the right. I hope everyone will continue to tune in and support great research.

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