Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Interesting report I received 7 years ago

A fellow named Carlos N. (not his real name) who was confined to a wheelchair and was a really cool guy, told me that back in the mid-1970's when he was able to walk he was hitch-hiking near a town in northern California, and it was dark, and he was close to a small town (don't remember which one he told me) when he heard something parallelling him in the forest by the road. He said it was bipedal, but he didn't think much of it, and before he finally reached the town, the entity in the woods (which he never saw) stopped parallelling him, and he reached the town and told some locals of his experience. The townsfolk told him that there had been a few Bigfoot sightings close by the town, and he became convinced that he had been parallelled by a 'Squatch that night, even though he did not see it. Do I think he was parallelled by a 'Squatch? It's possible, but I do not know for sure. It could be just circumstantial evidence that there were sightings nearby and he just happened to be parallelled by something bipedal, we may never know. Still it is quite interesting, and is a possible case of a parallelling by a 'Squatch.

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