Monday, July 30, 2007

Some Comments on the current P/G film hoax event

Over the years many individuals have been rumored to have been responsible for "faking" the famous Patterson/Gimlin film. Bob Heironimus is only the current pretender, but he seems to have been telling the story long enough to have convinced even himself. Unless my "artist's eye" is totally out of order, there is still no doubt that the P/G creature appears more ALIVE and ATHLETIC than Bob H-even in a "state of the art" vintage 2005 Bigfoot suit! My ability to judge character would also have to be equally on the fritz, to accept Bob H's undetailed error-ridden tale over the soft-spoken word of Bob Gimlin. If Bob H wore a gorilla suit for Patterson (and I can imagine a scenario in which he might have) you can bet he did it in a back yard in Yakima, WA, not at Bluff Creek, CA. It really boils down to one man's word against another's, and I'd bet on Bob Gimlin any day. -Michael Rugg
And what about the Lie Detector Test? Do a Google search on Polygraph Tests and see what you find. Talk about "unscientific"...what a laugh.
From the Bigfoot Discovery Project Newsletter, May 2005

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