Friday, July 27, 2007

Review: The XZone 7-26-07

Rob's third-hour guest was Mike Rugg of the Bigfoot Discovery Project and Museum, who mostly discussed the Patterson/Gimlin Movie (and was a bit rude to Rob as well). He basically was disrespectful to Rob and to Bob Heironimus and Greg Long, and was cut off about 10 minutes before the show ended. He was trying to put out the different inconsistencies of Heironimus, and Rob was not buying it, and Rugg persisted. He was therefore kicked off the show, leaving Rob to basically explain why he cut the man off. The fourth and final hour was with Kal Korff, who discussed Secret Wars and touched briefly on Bigfoot, but did not dwell on it too long. Rob is always the gentleman host, but he will not put up with rudeness or people hogging the mic. He also gave great praise to individuals such as Sean Forker, Robert W. Morgan, Robert Purser, Todd Standing and myself. Thank you, Rob.

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