Thursday, June 28, 2007

Editorial: Making Peace with the Patterson/Gimlin Movie

Usually on this blog, I prefer to talk about all kinds of aspects of the Sasquatch or Bigfoot mystery, whether it is footprints or hair samples or fecal matter or even the personalities in this hunt, or even different behavioral aspects of these unknown hairy bipeds. These are things I like to discuss or editorialize about, and I don't mind sharing info with people. However, one thing that I am somewhat reticent to discuss is the old chestnut of the Patterson/Gimlin Movie because it happened forty years ago and there's not too much more that can be gleaned from it. I just think there is so much more to talk about a lot of the time than some 40-year-old film which seems to be the subject that everyone gets around to discussing, whether it is on a forum or chatroom or Internet Radio program. I really don't know why it bothered me so much to hear it discussed so often, when there were other things to talk about. However, I have come to make peace with the constant discussion of it recently because I realize this is the 40th anniversary this year and it is unavoidable to discuss it. I have to acknowledge to myself that as much of an old chestnut as it is, it is, like it or not, the best piece of evidence we have until something comes along that's better. I just need not to get so uptight when I hear the name pop up on an Internet Radio Show because it is basically unavoidable to talk about it. I know there are other researchers out there who would choose to focus on the here and now, and that is what we should do, but at the same time we need acknowledge that this subject is going to come up whether we like it or not, so we must grin and bear it and not get so uptight. So, would it be fair to say that I have made peace with the P/G Movie? Yes, I think it would be.

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