Monday, May 14, 2007

Review: The Sasquatch Experience 5-13-07

One word: disaster. Apparently, Blog Talk Radio apparently decided to take a dump on us tonight, so we had some technical difficulties which plagued the show, so we are thinking of moving to Talkshoe. The discussion was supposed to be Jan Klement's "The Creature," but there was not a great deal of discussion because of technical issues. We tried, but finally gave up after about 30 minutes. We had a short test run on Talkshoe, and are thinking of picking up stakes and moving there, at least until BTR gets its act together. We want to have the best show, and we can't do that with BTR at the moment, so we may follow Melissa and Teresa's lead and move to Talkshoe. To join us every Sunday night (and also "Let's Talk Bigfoot") go
  • Here
  • and register, then go to where it says browse directory and search under "Science" for "The Sasquatch Experience" and "Let's Talk Bigfoot." And, as always, continue to tune in and support great research.

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