Monday, April 16, 2007

Review: Squatch Detective Radio 4-16-07

This was a great show, with NESRA members Chuck Adinolfi and Chris Bartow discussing this weekend's NESRA expedition in the Adirondack Mountains. They talked about the equipment they used, along with their techniques and unique way of researching. They did find some things such as large deer tracks, and some of them spotted a large buck. They also recorded barred owls, as well as a possible Sasquatch vocalization. Mike Killen (the "Long Island Yeti") called in and gave his impressions of the expedition and what he experienced. I really enjoyed hearing the show and getting insights into their methods and techniques. Steve's next guest next Monday will be Kathy Strain, at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central, and can be found at As always, we strongly urge you to please tune in and support great research.

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