Monday, March 26, 2007

Review: Squatch Detective Radio 3-26-07/Report on Melissa Hovey's First Expedition

This was a great show, even with some technical difficulties. The guest was Ron Morehead of Sierra Sounds fame, and he discussed the sounds that were taken by he and Al Berry, as well as the experiments done therein. I called in and asked a couple of questions and Mr. Morehead answered them well. Other callers were also great (except for one prank caller) and the show was pretty wonderful. It was a great show overall. Steve's next guest will be PBS Chairman Eric Altman next week at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central found at Please tune in and support great research.

  • My first Expedition By Melissa Hovey

  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    hey henry that was a awesome show with ron moorhead talking about the sierra sounds. thanks bill