Monday, March 05, 2007

Review: The Sasquatch Experience 3-4-07

This was a special two-hour show, with the first hour being a roundtable discussion with myself, Sean Forker, Mike Killen, James Baker and Billy Willard. We discussed Sasquatch pheromones, infrasound, the recent "Best Evidence" special and skeptics. Our second-hour guest was Dr. John Bindernagel, who answered some questions regarding Sasquatch physiology, diet, how its lifestyle compares with other large mammals of North America, his follow-up book and other topics of interest. A certain disruptive individual called the show and confronted our guest and tried to disrupt the show, but otherwise,it was a great and informative show, and I really enjoyed it. Our next show is Wednesday night with the "Sasquatch Experience Lite." Then, next Sunday, Billy will be back with us along with his research partner Tom Lancaster. The Wednesday Night show airs at 9:30 EST/8:30 Central, and the Sunday Night show airs back at our regular time of 9:00 EST/8:00 Central. The show can be found at As always, please tune in and support great research.

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