Monday, March 19, 2007

Review: The Sasquatch Experience 3-18-07

This was a great show, with our good friend Bill Green discussing the latest happenings in the Bigfoot world, including a controversial article by Loren Coleman on Cryptomundo. Our Associate Producer, James Baker was also with us and asked some great questions of Bill. We also discussed a certain disruptive individual and challenged him to call the show, but he didn't take the bait. It was still a great show though, and we had fun doing it. The next program will be Wednesday night and will be a discussion of the recent Bigfoot Live program which had Greg Long, Philip Morris and Bob Heironimus on. Then, our next guest next Sunday will be ABS President Melissa Hovey. Our Wednesday program begins at 9:30 EST, and the Sunday program starts at 9:00 EST and both can be found at As always, please tune in and support great research.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey henry sean everyone again i had a wonderful time on the sasquatch experiance tonight im glad its archived definetly. thanks bill :)