Tuesday, March 13, 2007


When will wonders cease? Robert Lincoln ESQ: Agent of The New York Western Lomber Company. He just returnes from the St. Peters River near the head of Steamship Navigation, on the upper Mississippi, bringing with him a living Anerican Orang Outang, or Wild Man of the woods, with two small cubs supposed to be about three months old.Mr. Lincoln informs us that he went out to the North-West as Agent for The York Lumber Company, in July last, with the view to establish intense saw-mills, on the Pine lands near the falls of Saint Anthony ; and he has given us a detail of the operations of the company, and the circumstances which lead to the capture of the extra ordinary creatures mentioned above.

Article continues about lumber exploration then continues at their camp;-

About the 15th of January, two of the carpenters who had been out in pursuit of a gang of Wolves that had proved very troublesome, came into the camp and reported that they had seen a huge monster in the forest, on a branch of the Mississippi,, having the form of a man, but much taller and stouter, covered with hair, and of freightful aspect. They stated that when first seen, he was standing on a large log, looking directly at them and the moment they raised their muskets, he darted into the thicket and disappeared. They saw him again in half of an hour, apparently watching them, and when they turned towards him he again disappeared. Mr. Lincoln was at first disposed to think lightly of this matter, believing that the men might have been mistaken about the size and height of the object, or supposedly it might have been a trick of the Indians to freighten them. He was informed, however, by some of the Natives, that such a being had often been seen on the Saint Peters, and near the falls of the Mississippi, and they postponed to guide a party of the workmen a Bluff where it was thought he might be found. The men were all ready for an adventure, and arming themselves with rifles and hunting knives, they started for the Bluff under the direction of Mr. Lincoln and the Indian guides. On the way they were joined by several of the Natives, and the whole party numbered twenty-three.

They arrived at the Bluff late in the afternoon on the 21st of January, and encamped in a cave or grotto, at the foot of the hill. Early in the morning, two Indians were sent out to reconnoiter, and in about an houtr returned, and said they had seen the wild man, on the other side of the hill. The whole party immediateltprepared for the pursiut. Mr. Lincoln gave positive orders to the men, not to fire upon him unless it should be necessary fo self-defence, as he wished to take him alive. The Indians stated that although a very powerful creature, he was belived to be perfectly harmless, as he always fled at the approach of men. While Mr. Lincoln was giving his men the instructions, the wild man appeared in sight. He ordered them to remain perfectly quiet, and taking out his pocket glass surveyed him minutely. He appeared to be about eight or nine feet high, very athletic, and more like a beast standing erect than a man. After satisfying himself with regard to the character of the creature, Mr. Lincoln ordered his men to advance. The I ndian had provided themselves with ropes, prepared to catch wild horses, with which they hoped to ensure and bind the creature, without maiming him.

The instant the company moved toward the wild man, he sprang forward with a loud and freightful yell, which made the forest ring ; the Indians followed close upon him, Mr. Lincoln and his men brought up the rear. The pursuit was continued for nearly an hour - now gaining upon the object of their chase, and now almost loosing sight of him. The trees, however, were quit open, and free from underbrush, which enabled them to make their way very rapidly. Whenever they came very near him, he stared forward again to yell, and appeared to increase his speed. He finally darted into a thicket, and although they followed close and made much search, they were unable to find him.

They then began to retrace their steps toward the place of encampment, and when within about a mile of the cavern, the wildman crossed their path, within twenty rods of the main body of the party. They immediatly gave chase again, and accidently drove the creature from the forest and into an open field or prairie. The monster appeared to be much freightened at his situation, and leaped forward, howling hideously. At length he suddenly stopped and turned upon his pursuers. Mr. Lincoln was then in the disadvance. Fearing that he might attack them or return to the woods and escape, he fired upon him and lodged a charge of buckshot in the calf of his leg. He fell immediately, and the Indians sprang forward and threw their ropes over his head, arms and legs, and with much effort succeeded in binding him fast. He struggled, however, most desperately gnashed his teeth, and howelled in a freightful manner. They then formed a sort of litter of branches and limbs of trees, and placed him upon it, carried him to the encampment. A watch was then placed over him, and every effort made that could be devised to keep him quiet, but he continued to howl most pitiously all night. Towards morning two cubs, about three feet high, and very similar to the large monster, came into the camp, and were taken without resistance. As soon as the monster saw them he became very furious - gnashed his teeth, and howled, and thrashed about, until he burst several of the cords, and came very near effecting his escape. But he was bound anew, and after that was kept most carefully watched and guarded. The next day he was placed on a litter and carried down to the mills on the Saint Peters.

For two or three days, Mr. Lincoln says, he refused to eat or drink, or take any kind of food, but continued to howl at intervals for an hour at a time. At length, however, he began to eat, but from that time his howls ceased, and he has remained stupid and sullen evr since. The cubs took food very readily, and became very active and playful. Mr. Lincoln is a native of Boston, and some of the workmen engaged at his mills are from the city. He arrived here Saturday afternoon in the brig St. Charles, Stewart, master, from New Orleans, with the wildman and the cubs, and they were all removed from the vessel that evening. By invitation of Mr. Lincoln, who is an old acquaintence, we went down to his rooms to examine the monster. He is a horrible looking creature, and reminds us very strongly of the fabled satyrs, as we have pictures them in our mind. He is about eight feet three inshes high, when standing erect, and his frame is of giant proportions in every part. His legs are not straight , but like those of a dog and other four footesd animals, and his whole body is covered with a hide much like that of a cow. His arms are very large and long, and ill-proportioned. It does not appear from his manner that he has ever walked on "all fours". The fingers and toes are mere bunches, armed with stout claws. His head is covered with thick, course, black hair, like the mane of a horse. The appearance of his countenance, if such it may be called, is very disgusting - nay, almost horrible. It is covered with thinner and lighter coat of hair than the rest of his body ; there is no appearance of eye brown or nose ; the mouth is very large and wide, and similar to that of a babboon. Mr. Lincoln says he is beyond dispute carnivorous, as he universally e4jects bread and vegitables, and eats flesh with great avidity. He thinks he is of the ourang, outang species ; but from what little we have seen, we are inclined to consider him a wild animal, somewhat resembling a man. He is, to say the least, one of the most extraordinary creature that has ever been brought before the public, from any part of the earth, or the waters under the earth, and we believe will prove a difficult puzzle to the sceintific. He lies down like a brute, and does not appear to possess more instinct than common domestic animals. He is now quite tame and quiet, and is only confined to a stout chain attached to his leg.

This is the first creature of the kind, we believe, ever found on this contenent. It was to be expected, however, that in penetrating the remote recesses of the new world, monsters would be found, and great natural curiousities brought to light ; and it has been a matter of surprise to many that so little of the marvelous has ever been discovered. But we can not tell what the wilds of the far North-West, the shores of Lake Superior, the regeons of the Rocky Mountains, andd the vast territory of the Oregon, may yet bring forth.

It is Mr. Lincolns intention to submit these animals to the inspection of the sceintific for a few days, in order to ascertain what they are, and after that to dispose of them to some persons for exhibition. Mr. Lincoln himself will return to the Saint Peters in the course of two or three weeks.

P.S. Mr. Lincoln informs us that he will exhibit the wild man and his cubs, gratuitously, this afternoon, in the rear of No.9 Elm Street. We presume that our citizens will not be slow to take advantage of this offer..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

henry.... WOW..... very.... interesting new bigfoot article indeed... thanks bill