Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bigfoot's Reflection

- In production with Space The Imagination Station

Bigfoot's Reflection is an hour long POV documentary that will focus firmly on how the quest for an ephemeral monster changes the monster hunter, for good or ill. Though there is sufficient evidence to support the possibility of Bigfoot, final proof eludes the hunter. Today a younger generation of Bigfoot hunters is strapping on their gear, saddling up, and setting out to ride a new wave of sightings. The torch is being passed from the grand old men who founded this field, to a more techno-savvy and cyber friendly generation. In the late 1990's the field of Bigfoot research faded as prominent hunters died or retired with almost nothing but faith to show for their efforts. But with the predominance of the internet, and recent major stories out of Manitoba and the Yukon, things have been heating up. But has anything really changed? Will this time be any different?
Director: Evan Beloff
Produced by: Bunbury Films & Ontic Media

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