Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Editorial: "Heironimus-Gate," 3 Years Later: Is It As Bad As We Think?

On March 1st, 2004, a shocking revelation was made by Greg Long, Kal Korff and Bob Kiviat on the Jeff Rense Show about the Patterson Movie-it was a hoax, and these individuals claimed to have proof, not to mention the fellow who allegedly wore the suit, Bob Heironimus. Last year, I wrote an editorial about this, located
  • Here
  • but I have changed a bit as far as my attitude towards the detractors of Heironimus and company and am trying to be a bit more objective about it, as evidenced in past editorials I have written on this blog and the ABSC blog (links found
  • Here
  • Here
  • and
  • Here
  • ). These links should give my readers plenty to chew over. Is Heironimus a liar? Is Bob Gimlin telling the truth? That's up to you to decide, whether you fall on the skeptical side or the pro side. Now, Mr. Korff is continuing to pursue criminal charges against Mr. Gimlin for consumer fraud, although I don't see how that can be enforced since Bob G. does not own any rights to the film, but we'll see. Korff is planning to do this around October 20th of this year, along with releasing the recreation of Mr. Heironimus walking in a Philip Morris-made Bigfoot suit. He is also writing a book with Heironimus which will ostensibly answer all the critics. Again, we will see. Korff wants Gimlin under oath and to confess his part in a hoax, and then he will drop all charges if this happens. However, a friend of mine who works in the legal profession says Korff does not have a case. Once again, we'll see. Regardless, we must continue our Sasquatch research whether the film is real or not. Let us solve the mystery one way or the other and leave the film behind and focus on the other pieces of evidence. So I would say that things are not as bad as some might think for Sasquatch research.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    hey henry good article but wont these possible skeptics give it up now & put a lid on it if you get my point about ongoing situation. thanks bill.