Monday, January 22, 2007

Editorial: The Sequoia Video: Real or Hoax?

Recently, a new video has come to light (although some say it has been on the Net for about a year) from California which shows two young men out in the woods on a nature hike, when suddenly an alleged Sasquatch creature shows up behind a young man who is drinking from a stream. This frightens the young man who gets up and runs; the supposed creature runs in the other direction, rather casually. The video can be seen
  • Here
  • and seems to be a hoax, based on the fact that there is not only this video, but also still photos taken from multiple angles, which would be impossible for a shy creature. Plus, the feet on the subject are too small for a creature with a foot size to rival Shaquille O'Neal. This video is called the "Sequoia Video" by the way, and it seems not to be genuine footage of a Sasquatch, but rather a slick video production by a video production company called StudioDrome. So, the verdict on this video is most likely a hoax. Obviously, anything on YouTube is automatically suspect.

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