Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The problems with the BFRO (Subtitle: Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen)

In recent months, the Bigfoot Field Researchers' Organization, ostensibly the "only scientific organization" studying Bigfoot, has been suffering from mass exodus, hoaxing, credibility problems and other things. But the main problem they're suffering from is their leader, Matt Moneymaker, is an absolute scumbag. According to several former BFRO members, Moneymaker has talked badly about members behind their backs, he has cheated, he has lied and he has stolen from people. He is a parasite who needs to close down the BFRO because he's had most of his curators leave the group because of his abrasive attitude. Moneymaker thinks himself an "expert", the ONLY "researcher" to call HIMSELF an expert; you don't see John Green or Dr. Jeff Meldrum or Peter Byrne or any of the other researchers calling THEMSELVES experts-that's left to the rest of us. Moneymaker is arrogant, brash, rude, crude and obnoxious. He has let the "success" on the BFRO go to his head. It seems very suspicious to me that there is Bigfoot evidence or a sighting EVERY time they go on expedition. I suspect hoaxing on Moneymaker's part. Most researchers, no matter how good they are, don't find evidence every time they go out on expedition. Moneymaker has now taken to attacking former members who frequent the Bigfoot Forums. Read this:

Several people were ejected from the BFRO
who originally came over from the BFF.
Some of their BFF buddies, who they brought into the BFRO, left with them.
Those people who were kicked out were not field researchers,
yet they try to characterize themselves as "the best people in the group".
They were the WORST people in the group. They are people who desparately need social attention,
and they seek it out on public messages boards like the BFF.
Those people may no longer use the BFRO's internal communication systems for that purpose,
so they pollute the BFF.
"39" people did not leave the BFRO. Most of those BFF "handles" are made up.
The actual number of people who were ejected or left is around 20. Notice how they never use their real names.
Simple Facts:
The number of people currently in the BFRO outnumbers the actual number of ejected people by a factor of 5 to 1.
Add to that, the number of people who have attended BFRO expeditions and who eagerly endorse the expeditions.
THOSE people alone outnumber the BFF regular posters by a factor 10 to 1.
The number of people on the Internet who frequent the BFRO site outnumbers the BFF audience by at least 1000 to 1.
A few hundred people have now attended BFRO expeditions.
ALL of them were very impressed ... until SOME of them got ejected from the BFRO.
The two (2) BFF regulars who NOW claim they were not impressed by the BFRO expeditions
that they attended ... only say that NOW because they are not allowed on any more BFRO expeditions.
Those same two people had made previous written statements about their own experiences on the expeditions.
They are liars and hypocrites.

Casual lurkers on the BFF need to understand a few basic facts
about the relationship between the BFF and the BFRO.
The BFF web site, like the pathetic regulars who post to it, are competing for attention.
Their main competition for attention on the Internet is the BFRO.
The LAST thing they care about is science.
The ONLY thing they care about, in the BF arena ... is drawing attention to themselves.
They prop themselves up as "critics" to distract you from the fact that they cannot do anything themselves.
They contribute absolutely nothing to the field except message board pollution on the BFF.

The person who goes by "JimF" (Jim Flowers) is basically a transient.
Someone on the BFF needs to start a thread asking for his employment history and his resume.
Do that and you will find out the truth about Jim Flowers: He's an unemployed bum.
If you ever get to see the folks who were ejected from the BFRO, you'll notice something
most of them have in common.
They are morbidly obese.
At least one has had gastric by-pass surgery, but it has not helped much.
They have very few friends outside of public message boards.
They need public messages boards like the BFF to feel important.
They are way, WAY too fat to go hiking anywhere, or do any field research.
They're not just overweight. They are morbidly obese.
Some would need to buy two tickets to fly on an airplane ...
The fattest, ugliest one of all is "ARsquatch." Her real name is Teresa Hall.
She's an ultra fat trailer trash beast from Arkansas.
People who met her at the Texas Conference say she's too revolting to look at.
Like most morbidly obese people, they are undisciplined
and have a distorted sense of reality. This should tell you everything you need to know about how the BFRO (more specifically Moneymaker) feels about their competition. The BFRO had nearly 40 people leave the BFRO this year alone, and that's not good for the organization once considered number 1. Moneymaker has to go, even if it means bringing down the BFRO with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Moneymaker is by far not the only problem with BFRO. Kevin Smykal, the "Overlord" (that's what he calls himself) of the Florida BFRO has real leadership problems, especially on so-called expeditions. He seems to be a know-it-all who doesn't tolerate any suggestions or recommendations, even ones that are indeed constructive. He readily bans people from future expeditions for no good reason.