Sunday, May 20, 2012

In Search Of... Trolls [Humor]





Tim Fasano Is The #1 Bigfoot Researcher On YouTube, But He's Still Unhappy





Creepy Canada: See the Worst Bigfoot Costume Ever





Why You Should Give "Some" Skeptics A Hug





BFRO Expedition And Further "No-Kill" Reasoning





"Blair Witch" Director Talks About His New Bigfoot Trilogy





New Clues to SyFy Bigfoot Movie Starring Danny Bonaduce





Our resident cryptozoologist Loren Coleman is pleased with a recent article in the Relict Hominoid Inquiry dealing with similarities between Bluff Creek and Shennongjia footprint casts. There's more to cryptozoology than shaky cameras and egregious contractions like 'squatch'. In light those erudite papers, Benjamin Radford complains that the Annual Bigfoot Conference Once Again Lacks Proof. The gathering in question is the Ohio Bigfoot Conference, and Ben takes an unsurprising skeptical tack which is more constructive than scathing. Take the time to jump into the comment section and give your two cents. And trailing the pack has us reflecting, "Ah, spring. When a sasquatch's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love". Way down Florida way, the subspecies known as the skunk ape are in the mood 'neath the heavy green canopy. Local cryptozoologist Dave Shealy has details, demographics, and discusses the dangers to female hikers in the Floridian outback since Bigfoot Mating Season Underway In Florida Everglades.

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