Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Amazing Footage Overlooked?
Ghost Theory
There before me was what appeared to be the face of Bigfoot. Was this pareidolia, was I not focusing? Surprisingly it seemed to be neither, or at least not enough to convince me that I should move on. No, there was definitely something there, ...

Scott McMan says it's quite possible enough attention hasn't been directed to film recorded by an amateur Bigfoot researcher on April 30, 2010, in the Bakers Creek area of eastern Tennessee. What do you think? With video. Elsewhere, Loren Coleman covers an archived account of a 19th century encounter with a manlike creature with some very odd features, as noted in Wild Man of the Woods, 1831. Also, The Professor has access to the files of a legendary cryptozoologist, and offers a glimpse at the legend's collection of information concerning one particularly baffling creature in Peeking at Ivan's SITU Files: The Flatwoods Monster, having led up to the Ivan T. Sanderson revelations with Something Just for Fun --- The SITU Mess.

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