Saturday, September 18, 2010

Monsters: The Ultimate Bestiary Reviews of the Mysterious Kind
Christopher Dell's new book Monsters: A Bestiary of Devils, Demons, Vampires, Werewolves and Other Magical Creatures draws high praise from Nick Redfern, an experienced monster hunter and author of several books on the unknown animals of Great Britain, Puerto Rico and the United States. So, when Redfern calls Dell's new book "one of the best (if not the best) bestiary-style publications that has ever hit the book-shelves" you kinow Dell's efforts have passed the legendary peer review. Redfern lists all the divisions of the new book, giving a small glimpse of what the reader will find. Is Dell's new book destined for the Halloween Bestsellers list? On the other hand, another review doesn't give quite so high a mark to Jerome Clark's Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds, as seen in John Rimmer's Hidden Realms and Other Worlds. But, by review's end Rimmer admits Clark's book "is an essential component of every Fortean's book collection." Meanwhile, tales of high strangeness from the drivers who push the big rigs across America are gathered in Trucker Ghost Stories: Haunted Highways, Weird Encounters & Legends of the Road, by Annie Wilder, and some of the tales from the book, as well as Wilder's own personal encounter with the paranormal, can be found in Paranormal Trucktivity: Chilling Bunk-time Reading.

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