Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Loren Coleman, following the recent Texas Bigfoot conference, reveals a revelation from one of the two principals responsible for the remarkable 1967 Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film. Bob Gimlin spoke with Coleman about Roger Patterson's reason for calling him to his side as Patterson lay dying in 1972. What deathbed confession did Roger Patterson make to his old friend Bob Gimlin? With images.

Benjamin Radford, the Bad Science guy, finds inspiration in last week's Colorado boy-lost-in-a-balloon-shaped-like-a-flying-saucer incident, putting together his list of the hoaxes that had the biggest impact on society. Among Bradford's selections is the famous Barney and Betty Hill UFO abduction incident. What other hoaxes was Bradford able to string together? And the incident's ability to influence columnists doesn't stop with Benjamin Radford, either, as Billy Cox, who blogs nationally about UFOs, has some pungent comments for the father of the "balloon boy" in OD'd on 'Balloon Boy' Skank. Meanwhile, some other hoax-type items appear in Awesome or Off-putting: The Chronovisor, a Time Traveling TV-ish Thingy.

"If vampires are popular, it follows that werewolves must soon arrive." So says bestselling author Brad Steiger whose The Werewolf Book led noted reviewer Stephen Applebaum to call on Steiger for opinion as moviemakers seem to be turning from the vampire genre to the werewolf genre in soon-to-be released films. Applebaum reveals details of some upcoming lycanthropic flicks approaching release, repeatedly calling on the expert Steiger for commentary. What does Steiger know about werewolves that you haven't yet come to understand? Meanwhile, another reviewer, Micah Hanks of The Gralien Report, gives a unanimous thumbs up to Nick Redfern's newest release in Book Review: Science Fiction Secrets. Says Hanks, "(T)his book is a mind bender in the first degree, and it will leave you wondering how soon Anomalist Books will be asking for 'round two.'"

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