Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cars have been lined up every night for the past three weeks to catch a glimpse of a ghostly elderly woman haunting a remote spot in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Is it just a trick of moonlight? Why does she have a sad expression on her face? Elsewhere, in Baldrick's past life cunning plan mention is made of "a group of unconnected women in Bath who were seemingly reincarnated from the murdered members of a 13th-century religious sect in south-west France called the Cathars."

During a ghost pub-crawl tour, a ghostly image--a swirling vapor of a vortex, actually--is captured among the tombstones that surround St. Anne's Church in Annapolis, Maryland. Elsewhere, in A 17th Century Ghost Story, a review of Leonarde’s Ghost: popular piety and the appearance of a spirit in 1628.

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