Sunday, March 16, 2008

More DVD Reviews Redux

DVD Review: Bigfooting In Oklahoma

Jay Michael Hits Another One Out of the park!!!!!!

This DVD, professionally done and narrated by Jay Michael, is the story of Esther Schritter of Southeastern Oklahoma, describing several encounters she had as a child in Paine County, Oklahoma. She describes her first sighting when she was 3 or 4, while she was sitting in her highchair in her kitchen, seeing an ugly face come to the window; next she describes at age 12 she and a girlfriend going down to a frozen lake to slide on the lake and hearing a siren-type scream; at age 17, she was home alone and again saw a large creature which frightened her enough to retreat to the backdoor for the car and drive straight through her yard, with the creature seemingly in hot pursuit until she left the homestead. The focus next switches to some videotaped interviews Esther took with witnesses in Oregon and at the Honobia Bigfoot Festival in 2004 and other Oklahomans who describe strange vocalizations. A gentleman also seems to have found a possible hair sample, a rather large sample which he found in a tree. A sighting in the Arbuckle Mountains is also described by an eyewitness. A piece of footage of a footprint Esther found is also shown. Esther next discusses an encounter in Louisiana while she was a seismologist in which she and a friend appeared to have been parallelled by something in the woods near Arcadia, as well as a sighting of a large, bipedal creature retreating back into the woods. Esther, before she got in contact with other Bigfooters, had no other point of reference other than the classic film The Legend of Boggy Creek. More eyewitness accounts are shown as well, from Oklahoma and from the Pacific Northwest.
There also appears a videotape of something Esther caught on video on Timberghost's property, something large, dark and bipedal. You can e-mail Jay Michael at for further information on ordering. There is also a bonus section after the closing credits from the Pacific Northwest with Don Monroe and some casts he has collected over his years of searching. There is also bonus material from the Bellingham, Washington Sasquatch Conference, as well as photos of casts from the PNW. The footage Esther took is also shown in enhanced form. I would say this is Jay's best effort yet. Bravo, Jay Michael!!!!!! 5 stars!!!!!! Get this DVD while you can!!!!!!

DVD Review: The 19th Annual Eastern Ohio Bigfoot Conference 2007

This event, held on Saturday, May 19th, 2007, featured speakers Tony Healy of Canberra, Australia, who discussed the Yowie phenomenon in the Land Down Under. His talk was a bit abbreviated on this DVD presentation, but we do get a feel for what he is looking into. The next speaker is Lorena C. from Camden, Ohio, who discusses the two sightings she has had close to her folks' property. Finally, filmmaker/producer Pat Holdbrook speaks about the film he produced based on M.K. Davis' work on the Patterson/Gimlin Movie, Bigfoot: An Encounter With Reality. Holdbrook also discusses his ongoing projects with One Step Beyond Reality, pertaining to Bigfoot, as well as more paranormal subjects. Healy and Holdbrook also take audience questions. The DVD ends with a question-and-answer session, as well as one lady coming up to give her eyewitness account. All in all, this is a really wonderful 2-hour presentation of a terrific Conference which gives a great insight to the research being done by independent investigators. I give this DVD 4 out of 5 stars. Excelsior, Don Keating!!!!!!!!!

DVD Review: Harry and The Hendersons

This is a wonderful DVD, really worth-purchasing. I only paid a grand total of $10.40 for it at Wal-Mart, and it's a great one. Great behind-the-scenes featurettes, an original theatrical trailer and a great transfer to DVD on Widescreen. The original review I wrote of it
  • Here
  • applies to this great print for the movie, which is celebrating 20 years this year. With the great print they used for the DVD and the special features and the great price, it would be criminal not to pick this one up, all you Bigfoot fans. Get this one TODAY!!!

    DVD Review: Bigfoot: An Encounter With Reality

    Bad Acting, but great research...

    This docu-drama (combination documentary/dramatic presentation) was shot in late-2006/early-2007 and is the first production to exclusively feature the enhancements of M.K. Davis and Rick Noll on the P/G Movie, which are presented in interviews and a presentation on film. Researchers such as Don Keating, Lynda Wygle and Chuck Storrie are interviewed as well about their impressions of Bigfoot and the creature in the Patterson/Gimlin Movie. A Native American named Rainbow Eagle is also interviewed about the NA perspective of Sasquatch, as well as two psychics and their research. The acting leaves a bit to be desired, but the researchers, who basically play themselves, are excellent and really enhance the production. I would give this one 4 out of 5 stars.

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