Sunday, March 09, 2008

Editorial: What a "Crappy" Topic

Another piece of possible Sasquatch evidence is fecal matter or droppings. Many samples that are found in the woods are usually identified as nothing more than common animals like bears or coyotes or even horses(!). But, occasionally, possible Sasquatch dung is identified as coming from an unknown creature. It is noted especially for its large size, much larger than common animals. Robert W. Morgan has described finding a large sample of possible 'Squatch crap once which filled a large container. He drove quite a distance to take it to Dr. Grover Krantz and says in a laughing manner that he had never driven so far to deliver a bunch of crap. I can't remember what came of the fecal matter or what the analysis on it was, but I do know that in some cases possible 'Squatch crap has been found with bits of animal bones and hair as well as vegetation, even strange parasites (one sample had parasites native only to Asia, which makes one wonder how parasites from Asia found their way to the U.S.). Of course, the analysis done on possible 'Squatch crap has not yielded any clues as to its origin or what made it, all it tells us is what the creature that did it ate. It would be great to be able to extract DNA from these fecal samples, but it has not been done so far, and I am not so sure if it will ever happen. Of course, again, the only thing that will satisfy scientists is a body or a piece of a body. Fecal matter won't do it, but it will perhaps help the process along. Should be an interesting conundrum for sure.

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