Sunday, January 06, 2008

Review: The Bigfoot Mystery 1-6-08

This was a pretty great show, with guest Steve "Indy" Pickett, who discussed some recent tragedy in his life, as well as he and his wife Robin's encounters and research in Indiana and now in Ohio. Many questions came from the chat from several folks, including Bill Green and Eric Altman. A couple of calls, including from me, came in, and I told of a photo which was taken in the early-20th Century of an alleged captured wildman which turned out to be from a movie made back then, as well as discussing the De Loys Ape photo. It was a great show, full of great information. The next program (which I believe airs next Sunday) will have individuals from Four Corners Crypto as guests, at 7:00 EST/6:00 Central at As always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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