Saturday, December 31, 2005

To Kill or Not to Kill?

Many Bigfoot researchers feel that the only way to prove the existence of these unknown primates is to shoot and kill one. However, there are just as many who feel that is the wrong way to go and are even campaigning to protect the creatures. Certain individuals in the Bigfoot field believe that if Bigfoot is in their rifle sights, they would shoot it. I used to have this same view that the only way to prove the existence was to shoot one. However, I have changed my views, and I believe that if the evidence that is found is properly collected, then the creatures can be proven to all to exist. Of course, the skeptics will still harp and complain that the hard evidence isn't there, but I suppose they'll just have to harp and complain. If people are open-minded enough to actually look at the evidence, they will find that they were wrong about their preconceived notions about these creatures not existing and will change their minds. I now do not feel that one of these creatures should be killed to prove its existence, but if someone were to shoot one, I would not be upset at that person. I am not as "pro-kill" as I used to be. I feel that the evidence is already strong enough and should not be taken lightly by these skeptics who choose to proclaim the evidence is no good and there is no such animal, yet they'll sit on their well-padded rear ends rather than go out and search for evidence themselves. I do not feel one creature has to die to satisfy anyone of their existence.

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