Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Scientists '95% Sure' Bigfoot Lives in Russian Tundra
But numerous sightings of such creatures have been reported in Himalayan countries and in North America, where it is known as Sasquatch, or bigfoot.(See a list of the top 10 heroic animals.) Joe Jackson is a contributor at TIME. ...
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Cryptozoologist tells tales of Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster
The Independent Florida Alligator
He also talked about the Loch Ness Monster and the Skunk Ape, an animal native to the Southeast that is similar to Bigfoot and is extremely aggressive. However, he said a lot of the time encounters with these mythical creatures aren't something people ...

Around town
Marietta Times
The speaker will be Don Keating, a member of the Eastern Ohio Bigfoot Investigation Center. The Emerald Basket Branch of Longaberger sales associates is sponsoring a bus trip to New York City as a fundraiser for breast cancer research. ...

Manitoba Bigfoot Encounter Frontiers of Zoology
Dale Drinnon reprints an article that originally appeared at Paranormal Studies & Investigations Canada, very carefully written by Robin Pyatt Bellamy after a lengthy interview with the protagonist of the story, Archie Motkaluk, a Canadian farmer who sat on his story of an hours-long close encounter with what he thought to be a female Bigfoot in the winter of 1960. Moktaluk came forward with his tale of the encounter after becoming angered by a researcher on television who claimed tales of the creature were all in the imagination of witnesses. Bellamy gives a detailed description of the area in which the sighting was made, details Moktaluk's description of the creature and concludes Archie Moktaluk is telling the truth. Drinnon adds just a few short comments to the narrative, noting he thinks what Moktaluk saw was a female of a species he calls "The American Almas," as opposed to the description of a similar creature from the Caucasus of Russia. Is this the most complete description of a wild manlike creature, perhaps a Sasquatch, you've ever seen? Elsewhere, those following the Russian Snowman Conference that concluded last Saturday will recall a photograph available in a report from a Russian news correspondent accompanying the Siberian cave visit by conference attendees that included a photo of some trees woven into a pattern some researchers think indicates the presence and handiwork of the alleged apelike hominoids believed by many to populate the world's most isolated wildernesses. Nick Redfern has a couple of North American examples of these supposed constructions in Bigfoot Tepees. And Redfern, author of Memoirs of a Monster Hunter and quite a few other titles, has an interesting comparison of two books, the aforementioned title and a new title from "Destination Truth" star Josh Gates, in Monster Memoirs vs Monster Memoirs. Be sure to check out the comments for some humorous remarks. Meanwhile, Neil Arnold addresses the legends of the Cyclops, including some not-so-long-ago reports of encounters with one-eyed monsters in Sleep With One Eye Open.

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